How much is Liza?

Simple and easy to understand pricing

Free for a limited time

While we are launching Liza it is free for everyone to use. Woohoo! There will be a small charge for Liza in the future but don't worry we'd give you plenty of time before we bring that in.

  • £2 Free
  • per month
  • free for a limited time
  • Charged monthly
  • 90 days free trial
  • no credit card needed to signup


  • £20 Free
  • per year
  • free for a limited time
  • 1 payment, once a year
  • 90 days free trial
  • no credit card needed to signup

(Become a money superhero for the price of a coffee each monthfree!)

No selling your data

Lots of finance apps earn their money by using your data to attract advertisers and also to help other companies profile people and do customer research. At Liza, we don't feel comfortable doing this. We wouldn't want other companies seeing how much money we have and what we are be spending it on!

No Advertising

We don't believe in plastering the site with advertising. We don't really like sites like that ourselves so why would we do that to you. Liza is not funded by advertisers desperate to sell you their wares.

Thanks for your interest

[email protected]