What is Liza
and how does it work?

See Liza in action...

The backdrop

Your bank account is pretty rubbish

Let's be honest, your bank account doesn't really do much! In fact it's still much the same it was when we were born (and we're not that young). Yeah sure the security might have improved and there are fancy chips on our debit cards now, but seriously is that it. Is that all our accounts can really do.

We've put people in space, made artificial limbs and even use jedi mind tricks but our bank accounts are just as passive and unresponsive as ever.

Internet Banking hasn't got any better in years

Honestly, Internet Banking is sooo helpful. Avoiding visiting the bank or talking to a call centre to shuffle money around and make payments is brilliant. But seriously, that's all it does!!! We've been using Internet banking for over a decade and it's just the same as when we started. The internet and technology has made huge advances but the banks seem to live in another world.

With all the innovation in software and the web it's shocking to think that internet banking still only lets you view your transactions, make transfers and pay bills. The lack of innovation is just embarrassing!

"Internet banking in 2014 is like driving a cart on a motorway!"

With Liza, you organise your money into buckets

Years ago people would use jam jars and the like to organise their money. A jar for the milkman. A jar to save up for the family holiday. With Liza, you just use buckets.

You can have as many buckets as you like and you can view your buckets and move money around through any web browser, on mobile or tablet. So you always have that insight on your money wherever you are.

Use Liza on desktop, tablet and mobile

See your money anywhere

You can view your buckets and how much money you have for different things wherever you go. We've built Liza to work on your mobile, a tablet or on your desktop or laptop computer. This means you always know how much money you can spend on different things no matter where you are.

You will need to use a computer to install Liza and get your transactions from your Internet Banking. Unfortunately we can't do this on your smartphone or tablet yet. This is an easy process though and we'll talk you through it when you sign up.

Use one account

It seems the only way to organise your money right now is to have multiple bank accounts for different things. This leads to a world of transfers and confusion. With Liza you can actually live with just 1 account but organise your money so long term savings are portioned off and protected from that accidental impulse spend. (And with interest rates so low, combining your savings and current accounts can actually pay you more interest!)

Real insight into your money

Liza helps you think ahead with your money and harness the power of saving not getting into debt. It's like a friend encouraging you to take control rather than a grumpy task master assessing your performance. And because you have buckets for different types of spending, you always know how much you can spend on that particular thing.

Keep your info secure

Liza keeps your money safer. This is because unlike other financial apps we don't ask for your bank login details something that can invalidate your fraud protection. Liza doesn’t want your internet banking security information - it’s yours, it’s private and it should stay that way. Instead the Liza app just reads your statement off the screen the same way your eyes do.

Thanks for your interest

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